Reflections on 2015
Howdy Folks – we had a great year – a Minor League Meander (Omaha, Sioux City & Des Moines), Rock & Roll Adventure (Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit) & then our Cuba Extravaganza!!!! Thanks as always for your patronage, wry comments & continued love of THE GAME. Our guide in Cuba Eliseo indicated that Cubans believe ‘Baseball is life, all else is sport’. We have to struggle a bit to hold on to that one as we watch salaries get even more ridiculous, owners who are clueless & customers become more important than ‘fans’.
No International Incidents
You’d be proud of the Cuba BPT Gang. We did well as ambassadors for our country as our baseball focus took us to towns, ballparks and events with Cubans who had never met Americans. We shared bags of baseball gear with kids & young adults. Baseball allowed you to ‘communicate’ wherever we went when language got in the way. We almost had a Larry/Pacer incident at a block party/street dance hosted for us but quick action by some Vets – saved the cake!!!!
We have some of David Brauer’s notes & photos up on the website & our cryptic summary should be posted this week.