Over 30 years of memories & thrills – a few of the gang comment on the BPT experience.
BPT has provided over 2,000 baseball fans from 11 states the opportunity to watch baseball as it was meant to be played
We’ve been on the road for over 200 days & seen over 225 ballgames
Only 1 ‘real’ rainout in 25 years – we don’t count the night in Kenosha with the hurricane gusts.
“Just the right amount of structure and lunacy.” – Reverend Tom Smith, St. Paul
Nearly 10,000 tickets bought costing over $200,000
Treks produced 4 marriages among folks who met on trips
No accounting for number of divorces
FAREWELL TRIPS: Comisky, Tiger, Municipal in Cleveland, Memorial in Baltimore & two to Milwaukee – remember the crane crash
8 brewery tours & two beer sponsors
INSIDER BASEBALL – BALLPRK TOURS EDITION: Hrbek & Gaetti buses, Use Your Gun, Larry – Larry – Larry, Pacer, A Tight Time Schedule, Dave Moore & Action Jackson buses, A Tight Time Schedule, Front of the Bus Sucks, No Dumping & Hoopla
“Hey—these guys didn’t know how to save the old Met but they know how to put on a trip! Can’t remember how many I’ve been on.” – Marty Higgens, St. Louis Park
“It’s those yuks you get after a trip that you can’t explain to your co-workers that make the BPT tours memorable.” – Scott Boyd, Savage
“I didn’t know what to expect when I took my oldest son on the trip but we had a great time. I can’t wait to take my twins in a few years.” – Luanne Kuelbs, Lakeville MN
“I’ve been on a number of baseball junkets but you guys are the best!” – Joanne Dunkel, Maplewood MN
“Imagine consecutive days when your only responsibilities are: to prepare yourself to enjoy a ballgame, savor a different town or city, and make it to the bus on time! That’s life on a Ballpark Tour.– Mike Reiter, Minneapolis, MN
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